Blue II, bronze, h 140 cm, 2019

Rider V, bronze, h 195 cm, 2018

From the Cycle You II, bronze, h 155 cm, 2015

How Beautiful He Is, bronze, h 206 cm, 2010

From the Cycle I'm Coming III, bonze, h 111 cm, 2014

Star A, bronze, h 165 cm, 2002

From the Cycle I'm Coming II, bronze, h 102 cm, 2013

From the Cycle I'm Coming I, bronze, h 143 cm, 2012

From the Cycle I'm Coming IV, bronze, h 98 cm, 2014

From the Cycle You I, bronze, h 108 cm, 2015

Robe, bronze, h 141 cm, 2018

She, bronze, h 115 cm, 2016

Dame, bronze, h 100 cm, 2017

Dame II, bronze, h 113 cm, 2017

Rider IV, bronze, h 106 cm, 2010

Blue, bronze, h 137 cm, 2018