Opening of the Colour X Space exhibition in Warsaw
On 23.10.2024, Gauger Art Gallery in Warsaw hosted the opening of an exhibition presenting Bronislaw Krzysztof's sculptures and Krzysztof Krzysztof's paintings. The exhibition runs from 23.10 to 07.11.2024.

Opening of the Jeźdźcy Jezdci exhibition in Cieszyn
On 27.09.2024, the opening of the exhibition Jeździec Jezdci ( Riders of the Apocalypse) took place in COK Dom Narodowy in Cieszyn showcasing works by the artists Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňansky, Vít Bojňansky, Bronisław Krzysztof and Krzysztof Krzysztof. The exhibition runs from 27.09.2024 to 18.10.2024.

Opening of the Riders . . . . . . exhibition in Warsaw
On 21 May 2024, the Biegas Gallery in Warsaw hosted the opening of the exhibition Riders . . . . . . organised by Gauger Art Gallery. The exhibition showcases depictions of Riders of the Apocalypse by artists Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňansky, Vít Bojňansky, Bronisław Krzysztof and Krzysztof Krzysztof. The exhibition runs from 21-31 May 2024.

Opening of the Riders of the Apocalypse exhibition in Cracow
On 3 July 2023, the Villa Decius Institute of Culture in Cracow hosted the opening of an exhibition presenting the works of the artists Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňanski, Vít Bojňanski, Bronisław Krzysztof and Krzysztof Krzysztof.

Opening of the Riders of the Apocalypse exhibition in Bratislava
On 26.06.2023, the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum in Bratislava hosted the opening of the exhibition Riders of the Apocalypse, presenting depictions of the Riders of the Apocalypse by artists Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňansky and Bronisław Krzysztof. The exhibition runs from 26.06.2023 to 04.09.2023.

Opening of the Riders of the Apocalypse exhibition in Budapest
On 22 February 2023, the opening of the exhibition Riders of the Apocalypse took place at the Slovak Institute in Budapest, featuring works by Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňanski, Vít Bojňanski and Bronisław Krzysztof.

Opening of The Krzysztofs exhibition in Warsaw
On 2 January 2023, the opening of the Krzysztofs exhibition at the KK gallery in Warsaw took place, presenting the artistic achievements of 3 generations of the Krzysztof family.

Unveiling of the bust of Georges Clemenceau in Warsaw
On 26 May 2022, a bust of French statesman Georges Clemenceau was unveiled, placed in the square named after him at the junction of Jan Matejko Street and Ujazdowskie Avenue in Warsaw.

Sinfonia Varsovia Camerata concert at Bronisław Krzysztof's exhibition
On 14 May 2022, a rousing concert by Sinfonia Varsovia Camerata took place on the exhibition grounds.

Exhibition opening at the Norblin factory in Warsaw
From 27 April to 15 May 2022, the exhibition took place at the Norblin Factory in Warsaw in collaboration with the 101 PROJECT gallery.
(Heartfelt thanks to FB: Łączyński Photo, @laczynski_ph for sharing the photos)

Opening of the Riders of the Year 20 exhibition in Wrocław
On 21.01.2022, the opening of the exhibition Riders of the Year 20 took place at the Wrocław City Museum, presenting works of the artists Marek Brzózka, Milan Lukáč, Peter Nižňansky and Bronisław Krzysztof. The exhibition runs from 21.01.2022 to 27.02.2022.